System IDRecord TypeRecord IDKBLayoutRecord_IsActiveRecord_IdResults_ListFAQNameTopicQuestionAnswerDocumentIDDocument HostDocument Date-TimeEstimatedDocument TypeDocument TitleDocument DescriptionFileSetFolder PathNative FileNative FileHypertext FileHypertext FileRendered FileRendered FileResolved URLText FileText FileURL ProvenanceURL StatusURL TypeUngroupedFamily RelationshipFamily URLHost URLOrigin URLOverlap MessageOverlap URLRedirect URL
1Document111.Portal.01Wavetag PortalWhat is the Wavetag Portal?The Wavetag portal presents the World Wide Web in an easy to navigate hierachical format.10
2Document211.Portal.02Wavetag PortalWhat is the structure of the Wavetag Portal?The Wavetag portal supports browsing of the Web through a hierachy of folders. The top level folders act as a directory of websites. The subfolders below a website act as a table of contents for the pages within the site.20
4Document411.Portal.03Wavetag PortalWhere does the data for the Wavetag Portal come from?The foundation of the Wavetag system is a set of Site Maps loaded or derived from websites nominated by members of the Wavetag community. Wavetag uses externally sourced Site Map data to deliver a range of services.40
5Document512.Sitemaps.01Site MapsHow does Wavetag present Site Map data?Many websites provide a Site Map in a format intended for robots. Wavetag turns this data into a convenient human readable table of contents for the website.50
6Document612.Sitemaps.02Site MapsWhat is an 'explicit' Site Map?XML, TXT, RSS60
7Document712.Sitemaps.03Site MapsWhat is an 'implicit' Site Map?Crawling70
8Document812.Sitemaps.04Site MapsWhat is an 'comprehensive' Site Map?Crawling everyting80
10Document1012.Sitemaps.05Site MapsHow do I submit a new website for inclusion in Wavetag?100
11Document1113.Directory.01Web DirectoryWhat is the purpose of the Web Directory?All websites with Site Maps available through the Wavetag Portal are listed in a Web Directory. The Web Directory presents the available Site Maps using an interface similar to Windows File Explorer.110
12Document1213.Directory.02Web DirectoryWhat is the difference between 'Web Directory' and 'Site Map' levels?The levels of the Wavetag hierarchy above Web Sites are used to organise websites and therefore act as a Web Directory.~;Wavetag levels below a Web Site represent the pages within a web site and therefore represent a Site Map.120
13Document1314.Identifiers.01Resource IdentifiersWhat are Wavetag Resource Identifiers?Wavetag assigns a unique identifier to every Web Page within the Wavetag environment. The allocated identifiers look like a traditional file path, but with a '~' instead of a '/'.130
14Document1414.Identifiers.02Resource IdentifiersWhat is a 'wavetag'?Wavetag Resource Identifiers are also called 'wavetags'. Every wavetag is linked to a URL, so they act as a name that uniquely identifies a resource on the World Wide Web.140
15Document1514.Identifiers.03Resource IdentifiersHow are wavetags different from URLs?Wavetags have a more coherent and logical structure than URLs. Wavetags use a single delimiter ('~') rather than the mix of delimiters (".","/","?","&","=",":") used within a URL. Wavetags have a hierarchical strucure, more like the names within a file system, whereas URLs have a right to left hierachy for host, followed by a left to right hierarchy for path.150
16Document1615.SEO.01SEO ToolsWhy are Site Maps important for SEO?Site Maps are the cornerstone of any SEO strategy. Wavetag makes Site Maps provided for robots easier to check and verify.160
17Document1716.Access.01Access LevelsWhat are the access levels available within the Wavetag Portal?There are essentially four access levels within the Wavetag system:~;Anonymous~;Express~;Standard~;Professional170
18Document1816.Access.02Access LevelsWhat functionality is available at the 'anonymous' access level?The 'anonymous' access level enables users to locate and browse explicit site maps for websites registered with Wavetag.~;Target audience: Casual users that want to try out the Wavetag system180
19Document1916.Access.03Access LevelsWhat functionality is available at the 'express' access level?The functionality of 'anonymous' plus the ability to submit new websites for loading of explicit site maps.~;'Target audience: Regular users that want the ability to add websites not currently registered with Wavetag190
20Document2016.Access.04Access LevelsWhat functionality is available at the 'standard' access level?The functionality of 'express' plus the ability to browse implicit site maps and initiate derivation of implicit site maps.~;'Target audience: Power users that want the ability to browse all the human readable content, not only the pages identified within the explicit site map200
21Document2116.Access.05Access LevelsWhat functionality is available at the 'professinal' access level?The functionality of 'standard' plus the ability to browse unrestricted site maps and initiate derivation of unrestricted site maps.~;Target audience: Professional user sthat want access to information on th entire website, not just the human viewable content210